202 Pinnacle Studio
Insert link:
This button facilitates work with multipage menus by moving all existing button
links (starting at the currently selected chapter button in the Player) one position towards the
In a multipage menu, the act of inserting a link may begin a chain reaction by forcing an
existing link onto the next page, a link from there onto the page following, and so on to the
final page, which itself will be created if necessary.
Remove link: Clicking on this button will remove the link that exists between the button
on the menu and the chapter marker on the Chapter Track. An ‘unlinked’ chapter marker
will remain on the Chapter Track. This unlinked chapter can be manually linked by drag-and-
drop to another button on the Menu Preview, or it may remain as an unlinked chapter, in
which case, during playback, it will work to jump through your disc using the jump button
on your remote control. You may also right-click on one or more chapter markers and choose
Remove Selected Link.
Button cycle: By clicking on the left and right arrows of this control, you can
scroll through available buttons and make them active for editing. Click on the
button caption to edit it. Buttons also may be selected by clicking the button links in the
Player when a menu is previewed.
Set thumbnail: Clicking this button generates a thumbnail image of the frame at the
timeline scrubber position, and displays it on the menu button selected in the button
cycle control if it is of the Thumbnail type. For more information about menu button types,
please see “Menu buttons (legacy Author tab)” on page 206.
Create unlinked chapter: Unless the timeline scrubber is exactly positioned at a chapter
or return marker, clicking this button will add a chapter marker to the Chapter Track, but
will not link it to any menu. An unlinked chapter can also be created by double-clicking in
the Chapter Track area just above the other timeline tracks.
The unlinked chapter can later be manually linked by drag-and-drop to a button on the
Menu Preview if that’s what you want. However, an unlinked chapter also serves a useful
purpose in its own right: during playback, it designates one of the points to pause at when
browsing a DVD with the jump button on the remote control.
Remove chapter: When the timeline scrubber is positioned at a chapter, the Create
unlinked chapter button takes on the opposite function, and a modified symbol.
Clicking on it will remove both the chapter marker and the link that binds it to a menu, if it
has one. You can also remove chapters with the Delete Selected Chapter context menu
command when one or more chapter markers are selected. To remove the links from chapter
markers, leaving them unlinked but still on the Chapter Track, use Remove Selected Links
from the same menu.
Create return: Unless there is already a marker at the timeline scrubber position, this
button will add a return marker to the Chapter Track.